It’s Time for Business Continuity and Exit Plans
How hard is it for you to pull the plug for your IT services and move elsewhere? It's not a matter of when you need this - but how prepared you want to be.
How hard is it for you to pull the plug for your IT services and move elsewhere? It's not a matter of when you need this - but how prepared you want to be.
Days Since it was a PEOPLE PROBLEM: 0. Not DNS. Not solvable by technology. But about biases, behaviour and all the other things that make us human.
I can understand why delivery teams would seem overwhelmed by the volume and think that it's a hindrance in delivering software solutions in a modern way. One way to enable the delivery teams with security and compliance know-how is to have them supported by a Compliance Coach.
There are so many places where testing happens. Everyone plays their part. IT testers don't own the words "test" or "quality" - we are not the only ones who can design and perform a test.
There was a standoff in a recent project of mine. It had no gunslingers, hangman’s rope, or a pot of gold. The standoff was about how to work.